Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

Choosing a Niche for Affiliate Marketing

Before choosing a niche for affiliate marketing, we understand what a niche really is. Niche is a really niche market, in other words, slightly niche market rather than general.

One could say that dogs are a niche, but a wide selection of space, as dogs would be a market for people who love dogs very difficult. For example, someone who likes dogs, I't necessarily own a dog, so I't be on the market to buy any product related to dogs, but anyone looking for dog training would probably be a dog owner.

You might disturb the dog down into dozens of dog niches, such as:

Dog breeding
Dog showing
Dog training
Dog collars and leashes
Dog Food
Dog Care
Dog Exercise

You see, these gaps are still about dogs, but more specialized areas of the dog arena.

When choosing a niche, look for business opportunity. If you are a'not a dog breeder, then search for products for sale relating to dog breeding could be difficult. However, there are plenty of books on dog training, you could sell on your website and there are many products, dog with affiliate programs.

There's something else to consider though when choosing a niche for affiliate marketing, and it is competition. If you type"dog training"into Google, you get more than five million results, it will be hard to market to compete in. However, if you'dog collars and leashes"You only get about 37,000 results, so it could be better to target a niche.

There are all kinds of expressions such as"hungry crowd"used to describe people WHO actually search the Internet looking for something to solve a particular problem. Want to earn money from home, or lose weight, But these are very hard to break into markets. However, there are others who want to know how to make your dog walk on a leash, or go on foot, some want to know how to cook curry and others need information on hair removal.

Believe me, if'sa human problem, the people there want to answer, and if you can provide the answer you're ready buyer.

Choosing a niche is not't that easy, but if you get into the minds of people looking on the internet then you'll have to start somewhere.