ust have a go! There are any number of free blogger sites. Just Google for them.
Try and use relevant keywords in the blog-title. If you're hoping to have your blog indexed and listed by the search engines then you should create a number of different blogs with similar but different keywords or long-tail phrases linked to the same niche subject, and then create links to connect all the blogs together. So you will be covering more of the keywords that people will be searching for around your niche subject and you'll be improving your search engine ranking by creating back-links between the blogs. There are software programmes that will create large numbers of inter-linked blogs automatically so that search engines will be fooled into thinking your blog is important. Blog sites and Search engines are generally on top of the latest software and will delete or ignore blogs they see as 'cheating' their way to a high ranking. I recommend keeping the number of inter-linked blogs to the number you can keep manually updated with genuine content.
Good content is vital. Change the content regularly and try and build up a following. There is a lot of competition out there and that if you want your readers to come back and check your blog again and again you must provide them with something that entertains and informs.
So once you've set up your blog and you've got some entertaining and informative content... and you're getting a steady stream of regular visitors. How do you make money ? You can add Google's ad sense code into your blog so that their adverts are displayed on your blog page and you get paid everytime one of your visitors clicks through. This will not generate an enormous amount of money unless you're getting hundreds of thousands of visitors every day. Each click is only worth a few cents.
A better way is to put affiliate links on your blog. Your visitors click through these links, buy the product or products you're promoting, and earn you a commission on every sale.
The most profitable thing to do is to use your blog as a list-building tool. You will need a link to your capture page where your visitors can give you their contact details. This involves slightly more work, and you will certainly have to spend more time, effort and money setting up an auto responder and a series of follow-up messages. You'll also need some kind of free gift to get people to give you their email and name, like a free mini E-book or information course sent via email. Long term... building a subscriber list will give you the most profit.
The best way to find out how to do it is just to get started with a free blog, and to learn the basics by simply having a go and getting the hang of it. It doesn't have to be perfect... and who knows
, you might even enjoy it!

Source: Free Articles from
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