With the recent increased awareness that the next generation of business is on the internet.
But before venturing into e-business, make sure you consider the following important tips.
1. Why are you going online: With the latest mentality of aspiring internet entrepreneurs, I made this point my number one. Most people are going online without a definite purpose. Some individuals go online solely to make money. They have heard all the hypes about the internet and are saying "it's time for me to grab my own share of this multi billion dollar industry". This is really a wrong ideology. Your purpose of going online must be to identify a great need and offer a solution to those it may concern. Remember, great men are solution providers.
2) You won't make a million dollars overnight: Have you ever dreamt of achieving the one million dollar feat overnight. Forget it because it will never happen, save yourself the heartache because success is a gradual process. So please don't fall for the hype.
3) You must have a plan: Call it a map or blueprint but this is really important because I have certainly come across people who took their business online without a plan. This is disastrous as you are like a pilot flying a plane without a map and I hope you know the consequences.
4) You must be disciplined: Now from my years of experience, I know this is an attribute of every successful internet marketer. Discipline is a must watch if you want to succeed, even when your body says no or feels weak. You have to keep up your standard no matter what.
5) You must be focused: You see, the internet is a big world. Now read this, when I first ventured online. I had just seven hours on that day to do what I wanted to do but could you believe I did nothing during the seven hours. Why? I was clicking on every offer I could find and before I knew it, my time was up. This happen for the next three days till I devised a new tactics. Now before going online, I normally schedule my time into bit of hours and everything I plan to do online, I write down on paper. This has really helped me maintain focus.
6) Be creative and E-nnovate constantly: Are you surprised I said e-nnovate instead of innovate? You see the world is going E, ecommerce, epayment, e-store,e-friends, ebook and so on. The internet is the fastest changing trend. It changes faster than fashion and for you to remain in business, you must flow with the trend by being creative, innovative and a constant learner.
7) Know your market: You must know your targeted market and what specifically they are searching for. And one more thing, are you targeting a mass market or a niche market? You must always make sure you answer this critical question.
8) Understand the "30 day" process: You see true internet marketers track achievements and growth in 30 consecutive days. Now I always advise new internet business owners to consider their first 90 days a learning process and not expect to make a dime during this period.
9) Plan ahead and redirect profits for expansion: Like I said earlier on, you must have a concrete plan. But now I am saying you must also have a plan for your future profits. Don't go hosting a party because you made your first $1,000 online, reinvest your profit for growth and seek bigger projects.
10) Don't quit, stick with the process: Please this is the most important rule in the internet business world. Even if you forget all other things I have mentioned above, don't forget this one. Now let me leak one big secret to you, before starting my internet business, I use to feel the process of making money online is exciting. But let me tell you this from the depth of my heart, making money online is very boring. Consider sitting in front of a computer for hours trying to crack the success code, it's really boring. Now I am not trying to scare you but that is the bitter truth. But no matter what, don't quit and whenever you feel like quitting
, just give yourself one more day to try again more smartly.

Remember success is to keep pressing on even when all odds are against you. Keep implementing this 10 Tips and I will see you at the Top.
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
You can download his free products at www.bestbusinessmentor.com/products.html
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